Within This Contact Center Industry Report You Will Find:
- A table of KPIs that indicate the Industries efficiency (or productivity elements)
- A table of KPIs that indicate the Industries effectiveness (or quality)
- Aggregated tables of multichannel KPI averages for All Industries
- Formal Customer Satisfaction collection process
- Our glossary of terms and definitions.
- Calls Offered Annually
- Calls Handled Annually
- Annual Call Volume Handled by Agents
- Annual Call Volume Handled Completely by IVR
- Business to Business-% of Total Calls
- Consumer to Business-% of Total Calls
- Full-Time Agents
- Part-Time Agents
- Full-Time Equivalents (FTEs)
- Labor Union – Yes/No
- Percent of Time Spent Handling:
- Inbound Calls
- Outbound Calls
- Respond to Emails
- Respond to On-Line Web-Chats
- Other
- Percentage of Total Calls Handled by Type:
- Questions and Inquiries
- Order Taking/Tracking
- Technical Support
- Complaints
- Re-Directing Inbound Calls
- Other
- Annual Budget
- Average Hourly Wage for Front-Line Agents.
- Average Hourly Starting Wage for Front-Line Agents.
- Key Performance Metrics (KPIs)
- Calls per Agent per Hour
- Average Cost per Call
- Average Speed of Answer in seconds
- Average Talk Time in minutes (includes hold time)
- Average After Call Work Time in minutes
- Average Time In Queue in seconds
- Average Caller Hold Time While on the Phone with an Agent in seconds
- Average Abandoned in percent
- Calls Resolved On First Call in percent
- Agent Occupancy in percent
- Adherence to Schedule in percent
- Average Attendance in percent
- Average Calls Transferred in percent
- Average Auxiliary (Aux) Time in percent
- Average Utilization in percent
- Full-Time Agent Shifts per year
- Part-Time Agent Shifts per year
- Full-Time Agent Average Shift Length in minutes
- Part-Time Agent Average Shift Length in minutes
- Formal Process to Collect the Caller’s Satisfaction – Yes/No
- % Callers Giving Perfect Score
- % Callers Giving Lowest Score
- Formal Mechanism for Gathering Agent Feedback – Yes/No
- % Of Agents Giving Perfect Score
- % Of Agents Giving Lowest Score
- Agents per Supervisor
- Percent Annual Turnover of Full-Time Agents
- Turnover Due to Promotions
- All Other Turnover
*The survey includes more questions, as some KPIs require more than one metric for purposes of calculation, validation or additional analysis.